
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Til and Ted's Amazing Adventures

 Dear Barry, 

   I was thinking about Weekend with Barry the other day. That was such a fun trip. We both grew up with choose your own adventure stories and that weekend was a fun grown up version. Burger challenge or jump off a cliff. Go to a firing range or zipline down a mountain. Diabetes or Cirrhosis. It was the first time you, Chip and I had hung out in over five years and it was like we were back in high school again. It was like we had never been apart. 

May be an image of 2 people

No photo description available.
No photo description available.

Anyway, I used that idea as inspiration for a little book I just wrote for people who come visit us in Germany. Til and Ted's Amazing Adventures is a choose your own adventure type book that narrows down choices of activities to do and places to eat while here. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed when given too many choices so I've narrowed it down to two:) 

I'll probably trial with my parents when they come over, but maybe I'll send you a copy of the book so you can choose how you want to spend your time when you get over here.

Til and Ted’s Amazing Adventure:  Rheinland Pfalz, Germany

Then I got bored because my family ditched me and I made another for our upcoming trip to Sweden. 

Til and Ted’s Amazing Adventure:  Scandinavia and the Baltics

It's actually published and on Amazon which I think is funny due it's questionable quality(both production and content). 

Til and Ted's Amazing Adventure

Either way it was fun to put together and hope we will soon be able to have people over again to actually help us explore!

Until next time,


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