
Saturday, February 4, 2012

A month without snow...

A month without snow makes Danny something, something... Go Crazy?
Don't mind if I do!

This winter has been crazy. After getting excited about snowshoeing again after Whitaker Woods, and preparing for the fun Sidehiller Snowshoe race, we lost that loving feeling. Or at least the snow. Sidehiller, Beaver Brook and now Exeter have all be canceled. So not only have I not been getting the strength benefits of snowshoe racing, I'm also not getting the speed work of the racing in.
It will be interesting how this affects my spring races. I've decided to tailor back on all the early marathons this year, replacing them with more reasonable 10 mile races(DH Jones instead of Hyannis and Merrimack River instead of Gansett) and will focus on the Cleveland Marathon in May. Hopefully shorter but faster will carry over to long and fast by then. Once Cleveland is in the books, my sights will be on increasing the mileage for the Vermont 100 and Ironman Mont Tremblant so hopefully I will have increased my mileage while maintaining my speed.

Regardless of what my season turns out, it starting out as somewhat of a bummer due to the lack of snow and racing but it's been fun to stay local and have some free weekends. Amber and I will be going to San Diego in late March for California 70.3 so I am excited to see how all this trainer workout(as opposed to spin bike) improves her ride. I am expecting quite an improvement. So until then triathlon fans, you will have to either wait or join Am on the trainer. Unless this freakish weather continues then you may be able to see her outside.

May do the Fourth Down and Four(miler) tomorrow at NHTI since it's for a good cause and within 2 miles from home. Check it out so you can indulge during the SuperBowl.

And pray for snow on the trails(but off the roads).

1 comment:

  1. I may volunteer tomorrow at NHTI race. Thanks for supportive comments on my blogpost... and it's ok to go a bit crazy, Danny

    Say "hi" next time at Manch Y!!!
