
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Danny Training?

Sick of yet another sub-par performance at the Manchester Marathon, I have taken up the call: to finally get mybutt in shape and train. In a form fitting a more "coachable" athlete, I have taken the first few steps to enacting my new training program. I've gotten a membership to the YMCA, and have already swam on three separate occasions. Additionally, I'm currently on Day 3 of the 90 day regime set up in P90x a program dedicated to "muscle confusion" by switching the order of exercises, and incorporating new exercises during each phase. So far I'm very sore, which I can say hasn't happened since high school football practice.
My typical strategy of 2-3 runs a week and doing whatever is going on on the weekend(in addition, of course, to holding my breath and contracting my abs), is out the window.
My new plan: daily P90x routines(varying from upper and lower extremity exercises to yoga and plyometrics), at least 2 days of lap swimming/week, 2 days of spinning on the trainer(another recent addition to the Ferreira household) and the typical 2-3 runs that I can fit in during my lunch breaks.
If all goes well and the new me can continue to wake up earlier and(more importantly) stay motivated, this program should culminate at the New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon on Feb 28th where I'm expecting significantly better results than in previous events. Then the program recycles itself where my next goal will be the Pineland Farms 50 miler where I hope to break the 8 hour mark(I ran 8:22 last year on 20 mile weeks).

I'm hoping by posting this now, for all to read, will keep me motivated as well as honest. Well, here's to hoping!

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